Saturday, February 22, 2014

Why size Does matter, and get your mind out of the gutter.

I'm obsessed with my job. I take it everywhere with me. When I'm out and about, I look people up and down for jewelry and analyze it as best I can from where I'm standing. Two things bother me the most about rings though...
1- seeing someone leave them on to handle raw meat or bread dough
2- when it's obvious that it doesn't fit. Today I'm going to talk about the latter.
For some reason, people think of their rings the same way they think about their jeans. If I can get them on, they fit...... NO! First of all, as soon as you start to feel that things are getting a little too snug about midway, stop. That goes for jeans And rings. You should never force yourself into either. It doesn't fit, and we all know it. Getting a bigger size doesn't make you look fat, walking around in something 2 sizes too small does.
The general rule is that the ring slides on fairly easily, but gives a little resistance when coming off. I say again, a LITTLE resistance. If your finger is turning purple and it hurts, that's too much resistance.
People don't realize how important this is.
If you ever find yourself needing emergency surgery, they need that ring off. And they'll do whatever they need to get it off. The results are never pretty. Stones fall out, shanks are ruined, and repairs can get expensive. You need to take it off daily, for the ring, and for you.
Rings are meant to be worn as adornments, they're not supposed to be attached to you at all times. Wedding rings especially. Taking them off doesn't mean you're getting a divorce, It means you're taking care of it. Trust me, jewelers are not impressed when you brag about how it's never left your finger since you were married 5, 10, 20, or even 50 years ago. We find that gross. And the first thing we're gonna do when we get a hold of it is drop it in some very powerful cleaner, because by now you've probably grown a super bug that will start the zombie outbreak.

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